Five Golf Watches That Will Enhance Your Game

5 Best Golf Watches That Will Enhance Your Game

In modern day golf, the use of distance-measuring technology often in the form of watches have become an essential, and these device are found on the arms of most keen golfers. A simple glance will provide you information about yardage, hole locations, carry areas and hazards, saving you large amounts of time and effort in perfecting your shots.

There are various clip-ons and handheld devices that are suitable but if you want your device to outperform the simpler devices, then investing in a GPS watch is the way for you to go. As well as providing you for data regarding distance and yardage, the best watch provides you with accurate hole layouts, tracks your score on every hole, and even plays a little bit of music if you want.

So, which model suits you best? We have picked five of the best GPS watches around that’ll make your day out on the golf course a lot more enjoyable.

Golf Buddy Aim W11 Watch

This device, an advanced piece of technology, has a number of features that are difficult to compete with. It includes a full-colour touch screen display and provides golfers with real-life views and better control on the golf course. Its long battery life lasting 13 hours makes it very reliable and with its zoom in and out feature, it makes it very convenient. The W11 does everything you would want a GPS watch to do and does it at a high standard making it a useful companion on the course.