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How to Break 90 in Golf: Tips to Lower Your Score

How to Break 90 in Golf: Tips to Lower Your Score

The sky is the limit in golf, and no player seems to have it all. Once you succeed in breaking 90, your ambitious nature will automatically get you working extra time to break 80 or 70 and lower your handicap even lower. The average male golfer has a handicap of around 97, while females average around 114, according to National Golf Foundation Research. The study also suggests that only 22% of all golfers regularly break 90 on a full-length course. With such statistics, it’s clear that scoring 80s and below is not just for any golfer but requires the most committed and determined of players.

Top Ten Tips to Lower Your Golf Score and Break 90

Create a Suitable Pre-shot Routine

Look at all your favorite PGA Tour superstars, and you’ll find that they all have a unique pre-shot routine that gets them in the zone before they take each shot. The ideal pre-shot routine should be uniquely yours and help you eliminate doubts, calm your nerves, focus on the target and execute a perfect shot. Once you create an automatic pre-shot routine that helps you build confidence over every swing, you’ll pick the right club for every shot and speed up the pace of play.

Review your Equipment

A technician is as good as his tools. A perfect way to break 90 is to ensure that you have the right equipment adjusted to your skill level. Going for a custom fitting might help to fine-tune your clubs to your swing style, but you also need to have up-to-date clubs manufactured recently. With modern drivers and game-improvement irons, throw in other accessories like rangefinders that might help your play.

Have a Solid Short Game

A solid short game is your secret hack to breaking 90 relatively fast. Master the art of chipping and putting, and watch your scores lower significantly. Practice hitting different chip shots from the rough, fairway, and sand. On the green, improve how you lag the ball near the hole to eliminate 3-putts and become a solid putter.

Warm up Consistently Before Each Round

Even if you are a novice golfer, have a solid and consistent warm-up routine to help you become a better player and lower your scores. Don’t just arrive 10 minutes early; hit a few balls at the range and proceed to the first tee. Instead, set aside at least 30 minutes to an hour for a proper warm-up. Such a routine will get you into the right mental state, help you overcome first tee jitters, stretch your muscles to avoid injuries, and test aspects like bunkers and greens speed.

Proper Course Management

By all means, don’t try to be a hero on the golf course. Try to avoid trouble as much as possible, and in case you land in deep grass or the woods, head back to the fairway and attempt an easy bogey. Scoring bogeys and pars consistently will lower your scores in no time, but please refrain from taking shots you haven’t practiced before.