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See the Science Behind Extraordinary Turf

See the Science Behind Extraordinary Turf

The innovative portfolio of Stressgard® solutions from Bayer

Every golf course superintendent knows stress on turf can also bring stress on the day-to-day job. That’s the beauty of Stressgard technology from Bayer — it brings enhanced performance and helps you get back to the things you love by maximizing your potential, so you can enjoy more time off the course.

What is Stressgard Technology?

Stressgard is a proprietary technology of fungicides that not only control diseases but alleviates a wide scope of biotic and abiotic stresses on turf.

It offers both immediate aesthetic benefits and long-lasting improvement to turf quality, color, density and overall health by providing physiological benefits within the plant.

Stressgard includes an entire portfolio of products which makes it a season-long, tailorable program for the entirety of the course, from greens to fairways. So, no matter what disease or stress you’re dealing with, you can have Stressgard on your course all season long.

Discover the science behind Stressgard

Stressgard works at the cellular level to protect chlorophyll, which allows photosynthesis to occur. This results in stronger plant cells, better root function, less root loss and improved water utilization. Which means you get healthier, greener turf, even under high-stress conditions including heat, drought, disease, traffic and shade. It all adds up to less stress on you and happier golfers on your course. 

The innovative portfolio of Stressgard products

Check out the full lineup of products that use five classes of chemistry to control up to 32 different diseases:

  • Signature® XTRA Stressgard®: The latest innovation and flagship product in the portfolio provide improved plant health, reduced oxidative stress and anthracnose control.
  • Exteris® Stressgard®: The preventative and curative activity controls key turfgrass diseases across a wide range of spray volumes on greens, tees and fairways.
  • Fiata® Stressgard®: Protects turf from diseases, environmental stressors and moisture.
  • Interface® Stressgard®: Helps to fight dollar spot, leaf spot and snow mold.
  • Mirage® Stressgard®: Works against patch diseases, fairy ring and snow mold.
  • Tartan® Stressgard®: Broad-spectrum control that manages turf health and helps enhance stress tolerance.

Across the portfolio, Stressgard creates a better golfing experience that redefines normal. It is proven technology available in a portfolio of products that mitigates stress and delivers consistent turf quality.

Hear what superintendents are saying about Stressgard

“Stressgard outperformed my traditional program in all areas … Excellent results and a perfect fit for any fairway program.” – Bill Coulter, Montaup Country Club

“Disease control was on par with the standard program, but stress tolerance was night and day better … The color and plant health through a very hot, dry period were above and beyond my expectations.” – Jake Mendoza, Detroit Golf Club

“When I spray Fiata on fairways, we get a huge response in turf color weeks after the application. My members have gotten to know when I made the application, they look at me and say, ‘you sprayed that magic stuff again didn’t you?’” – John Thompson, Sycamore Hills Golf Club

“The color and performance on abiotic stresses are phenomenal. Stressgard seems to limit the visual stresses the summer heat can enhance with no added water or wetting agents.” – Matt Emond, Reservation Golf Club

Superintendent Eric Materkowski explains why Stressgard helps the playability of his course, increases predictability and provides peace-of-mind.

What to expect from a Stressgard program

The Treatment

A prescribed Stressgard solution is applied to prevent or address disease and non-disease stresses. Immediate aesthetic improvements from pigment are noticeable to superintendents and golfers.

Stress Mitigation Begins

Pigment is still noticeable, a positive impact to the chloroplasts in plant cells leads to improved photosynthesis.

Long-Term Color Sets In

Immediate color improvements from pigment have subsided. Plant begins to exhibit healthier canopy color as a result of improved chlorophyll stability.

Stressgard Benefits Continue

Sustained plant processes lead to improved rooting, better turf density and resiliency.

High-Performing Turf

Turf remains protected and delivers consistency in density, color and quality.

It’s no secret that golf course superintendents across the country face a wide variety of turf issues, including environmental stressors, diseases, even weather. But what they also have in common is their use of Stressgard products. Stressgard helps maintain their edge across fairways and greens, reduces stress on and off the course, and ultimately delivers a greener, more consistently playable course for golfers.

Take a deeper look at Stressgard products in action.